Part 33: Unnecessary Precaution
Update 33: Unnecessary PrecautionIt's time to head to Arcose and check out this mining operation! But first...

Music: Small Workshop
Geezer: What a wonderful day! I can't believe it's been fifteen years.
Guy: I thought they'd never start up the old mining machine again.
Geezer: What made them decide to start mining again?
Guy: Well the curse must have ended after all this time.
Geezer: Looks like Arcose the mining town is back in business!
Person: The festival is about to start!
Guy: Woo, it's about time!
Geezer: I need a good view of the machine!

Guy: Ready...START!
The chain starts to move. It's very exciting.
Boy: Wow, look at it go!
Geezer: I'm glad I could see this again before I pass on...

Music: And Fate Was Changed
Something lets out a...not particularly intimidating but really annoying screech...
Guy: Oh no...
Geezer: It's the curse of the flaming salamander!

Guy: I thought it was gone! The salamander will turn everything it sees into stone! It's quiet until we turn on the machine...then it goes freaking nuts! I guess we just have to turn off the machine for good again...What a shame.

So they started the machine up knowing that there was a curse because eh, the curse is probably over now, right? These miners are idiots.
When we try to leave...

Fade out/in

Hmm, I guess this is sort of like item shop synthing. I wonder what sort of strange ingredients she needs?

Oh, so we have to collect specific unique items. Well, that's okay, I don't mind the occasional scavenger hunt type scenario in games. We have a large stove at home, but the one Rurona wants is somewhere else...

Music: Cute Witch

Come on, Zeldalia, you're an alchemist. You should know about this sort of incident.

By the way, you know how I use those teleporters to the fairy blacksmith's house to get around? Well, recently they've become a bit inconsistent, so every now and then I can't use them for no apparent reason. It's kinda dumb, but travel is easy enough in general in this game that I'm not too bothered.

As such, I decided to go through Iris' Resting Place and stop by the Mana Furnace. Fortunately, I sold a couple Dark Mana earlier so this wasn't a total waste.
I keep putting off properly smithing, don't I? Perhaps I should have a genuine Weapon Upgrading update.

Music: The Laughable Pair

fade out/in (again)

Rurona tackles Hagel and we hear a yoink sort of a noise.

Our next destination is Duran, but I took a brief detour to the Flawless Marvel. Curiously, Rurona doesn't have anything to say if we venture here with her. You see, I forgot something very, very, immensely important...

The Heal Bulb.
See, I've been using Heal Jars since...well, the beginning of the game. Wide Item makes them viable full-party heals, but that still eats through Klein's MP and they're running out of potency. Heal Bulbs are more powerful and have a naturally large area of effect so Klein can almost always hit the whole party with one without needing a skill. They cost 2 Light and 2 Life elements, so they're still easy enough to synth.
Needless to say, these would have been useful back when I could have first gotten them. Oh well.

Oh, well that doesn't sound sketchy at all. Come to think of it, Rurona has made this stuff before, so shouldn't she know where to find these things? Hmm.

Music: Ferocious Drive
And now we get to fight Baal. Despite being a warm-up miniboss, he's still legitimately dangerous.

One of his specials is Thunder Boom Blade, one of those awkward delayed attacks. It can nail multiple characters for 100+ damage.

That's theoretically damage output that Klein can keep up with, but...

...sometimes he uses the delay to his advantage and essentially uses Thunder Boom Blade to sacrifice one turn to double attack you the next. Howling is also a brutal attack (decent damage AND MP damage). Klein did not survive the combo.
Baal also likes to counter about half of our attacks, so damage can really start to stack up. One of his counters even drains HP.

I brought out Norn to see if she could give my remaining characters some extra durability, and it seems to have worked out fairly well.

He's not to hard to damage, at least, although Marietta's attacks seemed to work best, which is kind of a shame since she was on healing duty most of the time.

By the way, some of the joke types of items like the bad Rosie Ann Buns can be surprisingly effective (this did about 160 damage, not bad for an easy to synth item). Sadly, the fatal Rosie Ann Bun can only be used on self. I thought about forcefeeding him some Farewell, Love, but the description said that it's a Curse atk which I assumed at the time meant it wouldn't do actual damage but in retrospect I was probably wrong.

It's interesting to see how alchemists can come up with new items. All we've really done with Klein so far is replicate ones he found lying around. These are super easy to synth, too, so I maxed out on them.

I also triggered this unrelated scene with Rurona on my way to the teleporter in Veola's shop.

Man, that's like...four or five things I need dragon horns for, and I still haven't even found ONE. I hope I can find a good spot to dig some up soon.

That seems like a pretty significant favor to ask of someone, but I suppose I'll keep it in the back of my head for now.

Music: Inferno
Music: Ferocious Drive (again)
Now that we have a cure for petrification, we have to head on to the Valiant Path.
???: Guugh! Guugh!

Oh hey, that tower of stones that was impeding my path before is gone. We can go just a bit further...

The Salamander and its Basilisk buddies are rather fond of nailing the party with poison attacks. There are eight total Basilisks, so we want to off them quickly before they get to rack up too much damage.

I don't recall if I mentioned this, but Marietta has two skills that are standard attacks with extra reach (sideways for one, longways for the other). Sadly, one of the Basilisks was able to use it's Petrify skill, which increased all enemies' defenses, but I still offed them all before they got to do anything else significant.

Then Klein died, because Klein apparently can't survive two rounds of combat anymore.

But once again, the fight was manageable enough without him. The Basilisk's attacks aren't that bad when it attacks non-Klein, non-Norn characters, and it doesn't have much in the way of defense, either.
Having said that, I went through this entire fight without getting petrified once. I'm pretty sure I never got petrified in either of my previous playthroughs, too. The Basilisks have an ability called Stone Breath, but they have to charge it and I killed them before any could use it, so maybe that's the thing that inflicts Stone? But Basilisk itself never did that, either. I kind of feel like we just went on a completely pointless fetch quest, but it was with Rurona so I guess that's okay.

Sounds like a plan. Maybe they'll have a nice reward for us.

By the way, there's yet more of this area that we can't explore. How could we possibly get there, though?

Oh hey, those things are pretty ra-

Whoa, look at Klein, throwing sass around like it's nothing all of the sudden. I don't know if that's good or bad, really.
That's it for our main update, but while we're in Arcose, I think it's time for...

Atelier Blaire: She's Prone to Violence
Music: Fun Shopping in Arcose
Even with all the quality experimentation I've done, Blaire continues to give me new scenes and sidequests at a glacial pace. I got a little content this time, though!

Actually most of these ingredients are things we can only get from Blaire in the first place, she just needs some sort of candy. I'm well stocked on that thanks to Norn, so...

Hmm...but didn't we just bring her the ingredients to make the first one she's had in ages? I'm starting to suspect that Blaire is very good at lying to herself.

Music: Popcorn Strategy

I felt like this line deserved a screenshot.

Villa leaves, and Blaire turns her back to the entrance.

But...peanut butter and chocolate is delicious?

I wonder if all of our synthing shopkeeper friends end up committing or indirectly aiding murder. I wonder what it would be like to play as an alchemist spy/assassin? I guess it wouldn't really work out, since spies are more about poison and alchemists CAN poison but, at heart, are really just about making five thousand different varieties of bomb.